In the Tangsa language, spoken by approximately 100,000 people in northeastern India and northwestern Myanmar, different variations of alphabets based on the Latin script are used. However, in 1990, Lakhum Mossang created an original script specifically for the Tangsa language.

Currently, the Tangsa script has not gained widespread usage, with only around a hundred individuals being able to read and write it. Nonetheless, development continues despite the creator's passing. In 2019, a development committee was established, which added four new characters to the script in 2020.

The Tangsa script is a consonant-vowel script. It consists of 48 vowels and 31 consonants. It is written from left to right and utilizes European-style punctuation. It also has its own numeral signs for the standard positional decimal system.



Intervalle 16A70–16ACF
Personnages 96

Liste des Caractères

Tableau des Caractères
