Cypro-Minoan script was used in the Late Bronze Age (1550-1050 BCE). Nowadays approximately 250 examples have been found, mainly on the island of Cyprus and in the ancient city of Ugarit (12 km north of modern-day Latakia). There have also been discoveries in Tiryns, Greece.

Scholars do not have a consolidated opinion on the origin of the Cypro-Minoan script. However, there are some theories to consider:

  • J. F. Daniels believed that it developed from Linear A script through natural evolution.
  • Silvia Ferrara defended the theory that it was specifically designed and implemented by command.
  • F. Soldano suggested that Cretan hieroglyphs served as the basis for this script.

Attempts to decipher the Cypro-Minoan script have not been successful, so it is not possible to determine the languages it recorded. It is known to be syllabic and was written from left to right.



Intervallo 12F90–12FFF
Personaggi 112

Elenco dei Caratteri

Tavola dei Caratteri
