Number Forms is a Unicode block containing characters which have specific meaning as numbers, but are built from other characters. They consist primarily of simple fractions and Roman numerals. In addition to the characters in the Number Forms block, three fractions were inherited from ISO-8859-1 which was incorporated as a whole Latin-1 supplement block.

Unfortunately, here you won't find the fraction to talk about the mysterious platform from Harry Potter. Yes, you'll have to type 9 3/4 with your own fingers. However, if you want to say that for this particular pizza you'll need glasses of flour, plates of mozzarella crust and spoons of patience — you've come to the right place. Apart from recipes, you can use these symbols for evaluating your classmate's performance in a school project: ↉ objectives achieved, ⅒ subjects passed.



Intervallo 2150–218F
Personaggi 64

Elenco dei Caratteri

Tavola dei Caratteri
