Ortodoxo da Páscoa

Easter is the day when Jesus Christ was resurrected. It's one of the oldest and most important Christian holidays.

Its roots go back much before the God's word spread around the world.

The Jews celebrated Pesach, the exodus of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Long before that there were rituals connected with land cultivation 🌱 and cattle herding. Such a longevity of this holiday is explained by its relation to the spring period, when days become longer than nights. Thus, light wins over darkness. The ancient tribes must have noticed that phenomenon and arranged festivities to celebrate it, dancing with a tambourine, etc.

The Resurrection is a fluctuating date, which means that it's different each year.

In the third century, it was decided to celebrate the Orthodox Easter universally. Waiting for the new moon after equivox, then choose the nearest Sunday and hold the celebrations.

However, this unsophisticated formula doesn't work anymore. I've just checked in with the moon — Easter should have occured a week ago. To count the date, priests use some complicated equations, which are not clear for the ordinary citizens 🐤. Apart from that, Orthodox Church uses the old calendar (Julian). Well, let's just rely on trust and belief, it's religion after all.

The celebration presupposes a lot of traditions. The Internet can't do without following them either. That's why we've prepared a couple of symbols and emojis for Orthodox Easter, which you can use:

  • Easter bunny 🐇
  • white chicken egg 🥚
  • church and other religious symbols ⛪ ☦

Don't forget to greet each other saying “Christ has risen” and kiss on the chicks.

Plus, you're welcome to check the symbols and emojis for Catholic Easter here.
