
La quantité de caractères: 138 Lire la suite...

De base


Audacieux, double, angulaire

Avec des éléments supplémentaires

Exposant, indice, petit


Liste des Caractères

De base


Audacieux, double, angulaire

Avec des éléments supplémentaires

Exposant, indice, petit


There is a famous phrase “to take out of the brackets” that means “to ignore” or “not to take into account”. Indeed, in Math a bracketed expression is more important, but if we are talking about texts, the situation is diametrically opposed. The parenthetical text is usually a less important additions or circumstantiation. How come mathematicians have a stronger hold over a spoken language than writers?

Anyway, you can determine the weight of everything using brackets of different sizes and shapes from this set.
