Heavy North East Arrow ➚


Symbol Meaning

The easiest way to indicate the direction of movement, wind, flow in the text is use simple graphic symbols – arrows. They can also be applied for other purposes, for example, when designing diagrams, drawing attention to some important information in the text or in the image.

Heavy North East Arrow is one of such Unicode symbols. It's showing in the upper-right corner. This arrow looks rather huge, since it's made with a thick black line. Its “tail” is a bit wider in the lower part, and the tip of the arrow looks like a triangle with black filling. There are more similar arrows on Unicode — , .

The symbol “Heavy North East Arrow” is included in the “Dingbat arrows” subblock of the “Dingbats” block and was approved as part of Unicode version 1.1 in 1993.

Text is also available in the following languages: Español; Русский;

Unicode Name Heavy North East Arrow
Unicode Number
CSS Code
Plane 0: Basic Multilingual Plane
Unicode Block Dingbats
Unicode Subblock Dingbat arrows
Unicode Version 1.1 (1993)
Type of paired mirror bracket (bidi) None
Composition Exclusion No
Case change 279A
Simple case change 279A
Grapheme_Base +
scripts Common
Pattern_Syntax +
Encoding hex dec (bytes) dec binary
UTF-8 E2 9E 9A 226 158 154 14851738 11100010 10011110 10011010
UTF-16BE 27 9A 39 154 10138 00100111 10011010
UTF-16LE 9A 27 154 39 39463 10011010 00100111
UTF-32BE 00 00 27 9A 0 0 39 154 10138 00000000 00000000 00100111 10011010
UTF-32LE 9A 27 00 00 154 39 0 0 2586247168 10011010 00100111 00000000 00000000
Heavy North East Arrow is part of collections: