What’s New

4.0: Emoji Sequence

July 25, 2024

  • We finally added Emoji Sequence! 💪🏼 Enjoy all possible symbol combinations! 🧜🏾‍♀️🫃🏼 👨‍👨‍👦🎅🏿

3.7.11: Fixes and features

May 23, 2024

  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.7.10: Fixes and features

May 16, 2024

  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.7.9: Fixes and features

April 25, 2024

  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.7.8: Fixes and features

April 18, 2024

  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.7.7: Fixes and features

April 11, 2024

  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.7.6: Fixes and features

April 04, 2024

  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.7.5: Fixes

March 29, 2024

  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.7.4: Fixes and features

March 22, 2024

  • Modified the copy pop-up symbol throughout the whole website.
  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.7.3: Fixes

March 14, 2024

  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.7.2: Fixes

February 29, 2024

  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.7.1: Fixes

February 22, 2024

  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.7.0: New block page and search

February 15, 2024

  • Added block search on the “Character Table” page.
  • Completely redesigned and improved the interface of the block page; now the information there is divided into tabs, and the function of block search has been added.
  • Optimized Emoji images, now the pages containing emojis load faster.
  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.6.2: Emoji names and fixes

February 01, 2024

  • Added ‘Emoji name’ for several emojis in all languages.
  • Fixed some minor bugs for the 'Block' page.

3.6.1: Some features and fixes

January 25, 2024

  • Improved animation for the 'Character Table' page.
  • Removed links to pages of undefined symbols.
  • Added general properties for some symbols.
  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.6.0: Unicode 15.1.0 is here!

January 19, 2024

  • The character set updated to version 15.1.0 of Unicode.
  • Removed pages of characters that are not defined in Unicode.
  • Characters that are not defined in Unicode are now clearly shown in the table as a red cross.
  • You can now see not only the Unicode name of the character, but also the name of the Emoji if the character is Emoji (sometimes they are different).
  • Fixed some minor bugs and improved the interface a little more.

3.4.5: Character Table features and fixes

December 29, 2023

  • Partially fixed the display of characters in the range U+10400 — U+10800.
  • Fixed the display of the tooltip on the symbol page when copying its code values.
  • Added block highlighting function on the ‘Character Table’ page, now when you switch to a block from the side menu, the block to which you have moved will light up for a few seconds. It is also possible to turn on the backlight for any block from the table and turn it off for all blocks with one click 🌟
  • Changed the layout of the appearance of a random block on the ‘Character Table’ page now this block can be found right inside the text .

3.4.4: Fixes

December 21, 2023

  • Fixed the display of characters in og:image in planes from 1 to 16.
  • Corrected some translations.
  • Fixed the display of some characters inside the pop-up with copied symbols.
  • Fixed the display of names of some characters with '<>' in the name in the symbol copy pop-up.

3.4.3: New features, and fixes

December 14, 2023

  • Fixed a bug with the release history button on the 'What's New' page.
  • Fixed a bug related to entering an anchor for a block on the 'Character Table' page; now, when entering the anchor directly into the search bar, it jumps to the block instead of going to the beginning of the page.
  • Сhanged the tooltip from standard to custom when interacting with the side menu on the 'Block' and 'Character Table' pages.
  • Generated new og:image for all sections and subsections of Kaomoji; now the link you share will look more attractive 🔗.

3.4.2: New features, and fixes

December 07, 2023

  • Changed the design and behavior of the 'Up' button on the 'Character Table' page.
  • Added additional animation within the menu when switching to the 'Languages' tab.
  • Added the display of control symbols for the 'Basic Latin' block.
  • Fixed a bug with the display of Emoji on 'Emoji' pages in the 'Related Characters' block 🪲.
  • Fixed a bug related to the functioning of anchor links on 'Collections' pages.
  • Corrected the generation of titles for some Unicode block pages.

3.4.1: New features, and fixes

November 30, 2023

  • Fixed an issue with the incorrect display of emojis’ number on one page of some platforms 📳.
  • Changed the titles for the 'kaomoji', now they’ve become more informative.
  • Modified the design and content of the burger menu on mobile devices, increased the size of items, and added animation for opening and switching tabs.
  • Fixed an issue with the shadow display of the header in the top position.
  • Added links leading to platform pages from Emoji pages.

3.4.0: New features

November 23, 2023

  • Redesigned the layout and design of the sidebar menu on the 'Character Table' page, now it’s even more user-friendly.
  • Added a brief explanation of how the character table works in all languages 🔠
  • Included random links to various interesting parts of the character table 🎰
  • Introduced a 'Back to Top' button for quick navigation to the top of the 'Character Table' page.
  • Added new sidebar navigation to the 'Block' page.
  • Updated the title and description for most pages across the site in all languages, making it even easier to find us in search engines.
  • Fixed links to blocks in the content sections of the site.
  • Fixed a bug causing the disappearance of the sidebar navigation on the 'What's new' page when interacting with it.
  • Improved the fonts throughout the whole website, now it’s easier to perceive the information displayed on the pages.

3.3.4: New features, images and fix bugs

November 02, 2023

  • Tweaked the layout of the ‘Character Table’ page, now the desktop version features 16 symbols per line.
  • Fixed several bugs related to the functioning of the ‘Character Table’ page.
  • Updated Emoji images throughout the whole website, now they have a better quality.
  • Added og-image for all symbols, now you can share the beautiful link 🔗 to our website with your friends on any social media 👥

3.3.3: New feature

October 27, 2023

  • Improved the sidebar menu interface on the 'Character Table' page to make it more user-friendly and convenient.

3.3.2: New feature and fix bugs

October 19, 2023

  • Fixed the display of some links in the descriptions throughout the website.
  • Added a 404 error display for several pages, instead of showing server errors.
  • Improved the mechanism for forced page indexing, now finding the website in search results has become much easier.

3.3.1: New features and fix bugs

October 12, 2023

  • Adjusted the overall size of characters for the mobile version on the whole website, making the symbols look bigger.
  • Improved the functionality of js-scripts; now the website operates a bit faster.
  • Fixed an issue with the 'Character Generator' tool.
  • Removed some collections related to Emojis and set up redirects to the corresponding Emoji sections.
  • Added anchor links for more convenient navigation on the 'Character Table' page.

3.3.0: Platform pages and new features

October 06, 2023

  • Added “emoji platform” page and separate pages for each platform and all emojis supported on them.
  • Improved the logic of collection pages on mobile version; now once you click on the emoji, it gets copied right away without the necessity to click on the page of the particular emoji; plus, we removed the content and enhanced the size of symbols.
  • Added the reference to the ex-website.

3.2.0: Character Table and new features

September 28, 2023

  • Added a new page called 'Character Table' where you can find and view all Unicode characters in one place. You can access it under the first item in the menu — 'Symbols'🔎.
  • Added synonyms of some emojis for the 'cn' and 'ru' languages.
  • Removed several scripts that were causing the website to load more slowly.
  • Fixed some UI translations in the 'cn' language
  • Corrected the translation of the technical information on the characters’ pages.
  • Fixed the display of characteristics on the pages of all characters.
  • Adjusted the spacing and interaction area for the 'Random Symbol' button on the main page.
  • Adjusted some emoji symbols for the 'pt', 'fr', 'it', and 'de' languages.

3.1.11: Content and fixes

September 14, 2023

  • Added translations for the ‘en’ descriptions of the alphabets.
  • Optimized several scripts, now the pages must download faster.
  • Added synonyms for several ‘cn’ Emoji.
  • Fixed the bug regarding the ads display over the sticky-header, now it’s displayed as it is supposed.
  • Fixed the order of kaomoji display in the list.
  • Turned off the collection display that contains symbols that belong to emoji pages.

3.1.10: Content and fix

September 07, 2023

  • Added synonyms for emoji in the ‘pt’, ‘kr’, ‘jp’, ‘it’, ‘hi’, ‘fr’, ‘de’ languages.
  • Adjusted ads on the long pages of Unicode Blocks and Alphabets.
  • Adjusted synonym sets for Emoji symbols in the ‘en’, ‘es’ languages.

3.1.9: Content and fix

September 01, 2023

  • Added new translations for ‘en’ alphabets.
  • Added new synonyms for ‘es’ emoji.
  • Fixed several redirects leading to the pages with error 404.

3.1.8: Content update

August 24, 2023

  • Added new translations for descriptions of the ‘es’ alphabets.
  • Added new synonyms for ‘en’ emoji.
  • Changed titles for ‘en’ emoji.

3.1.7: Content and fixes

August 17, 2023

  • Added new translations for ‘es’ descriptions of the alphabets.
  • Fixed the bug related to block search on the website.
  • Fixed the bug related to the display of the block to which the symbol belongs in the text.
  • Fixed the bug related to the position of the the ‘Clipboard’ widget opening button.

3.1.6: Content and fixes

August 10, 2023

  • Added and corrected the ‘es’ translations of the block titles.
  • Added information regarding the year of Unicode update till 14.0 and 15.0 versions.
  • Fixed bugs related to ‘Symbol of the day’ animation on various devices.
  • Improved the mechanism for assigning the 'lastmod' parameter to pages, now more accurate information is provided to search engines, making it even easier to find us.

3.1.5: Content and new feature

July 27, 2023

  • Added functionality for a random symbol, now if you click on the icon for updating the symbol of the day, you can get a random symbol.
  • Added new descriptions for 25A0-25B9 symbols ‘en’, ‘es’.
  • Updated the search database, making it easier to find particular symbols on the website.

3.1.4: Content and fixes

July 13, 2023

  • Added descriptions for Unicode blocks parts in the ‘en’ and ‘es’ languages, version 14.0.
  • Fixed errors regarding several incorrect redirects, which stood in the way of accurate website ranking in search systems.
  • Fixed the display of the cover for the 'Superscript and Subscript Numbers' collection.
  • Fixed the error regarding the display of symbol titles that don’t belong to a particular Subblock.

3.1.3: Content and fix titles

July 06, 2023

  • Added descriptions for Unicode blocks in version 14.0, languages ‘en’ and ‘es’.
  • Added interface translations for the 'Symbols on Telegram' tool.
  • Tweaked the logo in the page titles for better display in search engines.

3.1.2: Titles, content and some fixes

June 30, 2023

  • Tweaked the language selection widget design, and now widgets function in a common style.
  • Changed the name and the icon for widget 'Symbol keyboard' to 'Symbol Clipboard'.
  • Added symbol and emoji descriptions for the following languages: ‘it’, ‘fr’, ‘de’, ‘pt’, ‘pl’, ‘ro’.
  • Added title translation of the main pages in ‘it’, ‘fr’, ‘ro’ languages.
  • Added words ‘Kaomoji’, ‘Emoji’, ‘alphabet’ in title ‘h1’ on corresponding pages, categories, and subcategories in the following languages: ‘en’, ‘de’, ‘es’, ‘fr’, ‘it’, ‘pt’, ‘pl’, ‘ru’, ‘tr’, ‘ro’.
  • Fixed the ‘Text art’ page translation in the menu and ‘h1’ title.
  • Added new translations for several ‘es’ alphabets.

3.1.1: Content and some fixes

June 22, 2023

  • Added description translations for 10 alphabets 'en', 'es'.
  • Fixed the errors regarding title names 'es'.
  • Corrected language-specific punctuation marks, now the descriptions display the right versions.
  • Made the “what’s new” page available for indexing.

3.1.0: New feature, content and fixes

June 15, 2023

  • Added a new widget 'Symbol Keyboard': look for a keyboard icon in the lower right corner on all the website pages 👀 The symbols and Emoji you copy on the website get added there automatically. You can complement them with text, copy the result, and use in messengers, on social media and wherever you like 😉.
  • Updated the titles on the 'Collections', 'Holidays', and 'Tools' pages in the following languages: 'en', 'es', 'ru'.
  • Added new descriptions for the 'Kaomoji' subblock 'es'.
  • Removed the word 'alphabet' from the alphabet's names for more accurate display in alphabetical order.

3.0.16: Content and some fixes

June 08, 2023

  • Added 'en' and 'es' descriptions for the following tools: 'Unicode Character Table Generator', 'Unicode Decoder', 'Text Converter to Gothic Style', 'Emoji Keyboard', 'Symbols on Telegram'.
  • Added title translations for holidays in all languages.
  • Added 'en' and 'es' descriptions for the collection “bullet point symbols”.
  • Fixed the problem regarding the display of descriptions in Kaomoji subblock.

3.0.15: Content and some fixes

June 01, 2023

  • Fixed the display of holiday titles in various languages, since some of the titles used to show up as English, though the language was different.
  • Added descriptions for Letterlike symbols 213E-214F 'es'.

3.0.14: Content fixes and tiles improve

May 25, 2023

  • Corrected the title templates on the Emoji pages for the languages 'tr', 'de', 'en', 'ru', 'es', 'pt', 'pl'. Plus, we fixed the title for the 'Unicode Block' page; now the symbols that don’t have a proper display just get skipped.
  • Added technical characteristics 'escape sequence' and 'Keyboard combination' for symbols 0000-007F.
  • Fixed the translations of such technical characteristics as 'Unicode Block' and 'Unicode Subblock' in all languages.
  • Fixed the error regarding the '/' symbol, which appeared in the search query every time the language was changed on the 'Search Results' page.
  • Added Letterlike symbols descriptions 2124-213E 'es'.

3.0.13: Titles improve and UX and UI fixes

May 18, 2023

  • Adjusted the title templates on Emoji pages for the following languages: 'tr', 'de', 'en', 'ru', 'es', 'pt', 'pl' and made them more accurate. Now it will be easier for the users from these countries to find our website. We also fixed the title and H1 for the symbols that didn't have proper rendering.
  • Increased the font size from 10px to 12px in some places. Now small information is easier to read.
  • Updated the covers for the 'Password Generator', 'Character Calculator', and 'Emoji Keyboard' tools, making them more prominent and user-friendly. We also modified the mobile size of tool tiles and collections in the 'see also', so that larger text displays properly.
  • Improved the search icon.
  • The 'Symbol of the Day' now appears based on the current holiday.
  • Added descriptions for the 'Letterlike symbols' block, such as 214A-214F 'en' and 2100-2123 'es'

3.0.12: New tool, titles improve and UX fixes

May 06, 2023

  • Adjusted the title templates for symbol and Emoji pages in the following languages: tr, de, en, ru, es, pt, pl and made them more accurate. Now the users from these countries are more likely to find our website.
  • Added translations for interface elements in all languages. Fixed the error regarding symbols with no display, so they no longer appear in H1 and 'title'. Introduced new descriptions for symbols 214A-2149 'en'.
  • Fixed hover states for some collection badges and tools. Fixed the menu close button area on the mobile version of the website, so it no longer overlaps with the clicking area of the first point in the menu.
  • Added a new tool called 'Symbols on Telegram'.

3.0.11: Improve Titles, content

April 27, 2023

  • Adjusted the title templates for the 'pl' and 'pt' languages and made them more accurate. Now the users from these countries are more likely to find our website.
  • Updated the pages for missing search results and 404 errors. Fixed the problems with breadcrumb display on several pages and added a gradient to the side menu when coming to the end of content on collection pages, alphabets, etc.
  • Added descriptions for symbols 2128-2134 'en'. Removed the word “alphabet” from the names, so that the alphabets display more accurately. Renewed the Heart symbols collection and also added a new collection called “Bullet points symbols.”

3.0.10: Improve Titles, content

April 20, 2023

  • We have corrected the title templates for the 'tr' and 'de' languages, making them more accurate; now it will be easier for the users from these countries to find our website.
  • We have fixed a couple of bugs regarding the display of descriptions on the tool pages.
  • We have added descriptions for the Basic Latin block 'en'.

3.0.9: UX improvements

April 14, 2023

  • We have improved the title generation process, now the website will have better search optimization.
  • We have fixed the symbol copying animation on iOS devices and 🧙 worked our magic on the breadcrumb display by replacing '/' with '›'. We’ve also added new symbol descriptions for the Basic Latin (en) block and implemented a 'Show more' button for pages with symbols and Emojis that have a lot of text.
  • We have provided support for new advertising formats that are available on unicode-table.com.

3.0.8: Content update

April 06, 2023

  • We added some new updates regarding content; fixed the errors related to the Czech script; arranged the Roman digits properly. Plus, we added descriptions for symbols 0000-0007 and fixed several UI moments.
  • We also made a couple of SEO tweaks.

3.0.7: Add new page, SEO tasks and some features

March 30, 2023

  • This week we redesigned footer, sorted the alphabets due to order, and added a page called “What’s new”, where you can get acquainted with the tasks we´ve been working on 😉
  • Made a couple of SEO improvements.

3.0.6: SEO tasks and some features

March 23, 2023

We release updates every week, but very often we don’t have anything interesting to tell you about, since the news are related to minor changes and SEO improvements 😊 This release features the following updates: fixed titles for main pages, fixed layout, added support for Open Search, and a new block in Kaomoji.

3.0.5: UX improvements

March 16, 2023

This time we added the following changes: now there are hints popping up when you hover your mouse over a symbol; the list of alphabets is displayed a bit differently; plus, we did some minor tweaks, which we suggest you find yourself 😘

3.0.4: UX improvements and some features

March 10, 2023

  • We fixed bugs regarding the display of tables, breadcrumb navigation, holiday notifications and the broken language selection button.
  • Added “Popular requests” in the search bar, included Russian and Spanish block translations for 14 and 15 Unicode versions; plus, we made changes to the page displaying unidentified symbols. Keeping up the tempo 👌

3.0.3: Page loading speed optimized

March 03, 2023

  • We converted all symbol images from .png to .webp format. Now our favourite website opens much faster. 📈
  • Did some magic to SEO, so that it was easier for you to find us in search results.

3.0.2: SEO improvements

March 01, 2023

We minimized style files and completed a set of tasks related to SEO, so that the website started to work faster.

3.0.1: UI improvements and SEO

February 22, 2023

This week we completed several SEO-related tasks and fixed a couple of UI errors. Plus, we decided to change the text highlighting colour from blue to black. Wondering why? Ask our designer! He’s digging it that way 👩‍🎨

3.0.0: Global design update

February 16, 2023

  • In this release we have completely updated the design of unicode-table.com and moved the whole website to a new domain symbl.cc. Moreover, certain changes have been made regarding the structure, navigation, and the Unicode version (which has been updated to the current 15).
  • The old version unicode-table is available at old.unicode-table.com