Script Capital P ℘


Symbol Meaning

This uppercase Latin letter “P” looks like it was written with a quill pen in one move. The letter looks quite extraordinary because it has a loop instead of a straight line at the bottom.

Calligraphic letters of the Latin alphabet are beautiful and elegant, but designers do not recommend using them for long texts as it may reduce reading and comprehension speed. Instead, consider using symbols from the Letterlike Symbols2100–214F in logos, usernames, creative projects to draw attention and create the associations you need.

The symbol “Script Capital P” is included in the “Letterlike symbols” subblock of the “Letterlike Symbols” block and was approved as part of Unicode version 1.1 in 1993.

Text is also available in the following languages: Español; Русский;

Unicode Name Script Capital P
Unicode Number
CSS Code
Entity ℘
Plane 0: Basic Multilingual Plane
Unicode Block Letterlike Symbols
Unicode Subblock Letterlike symbols
Unicode Version 1.1 (1993)
Type of paired mirror bracket (bidi) None
Composition Exclusion No
Case change 2118
Simple case change 2118
Math +
ID_Start +
ID_Continue +
XID_Start +
XID_Continue +
Grapheme_Base +
scripts Common
Other_ID_Start +
Encoding hex dec (bytes) dec binary
UTF-8 E2 84 98 226 132 152 14845080 11100010 10000100 10011000
UTF-16BE 21 18 33 24 8472 00100001 00011000
UTF-16LE 18 21 24 33 6177 00011000 00100001
UTF-32BE 00 00 21 18 0 0 33 24 8472 00000000 00000000 00100001 00011000
UTF-32LE 18 21 00 00 24 33 0 0 404815872 00011000 00100001 00000000 00000000

Script Capital P is part of collections:
