Siyaq is a decimal system for writing numbers. The name comes from the Arabic word ‘siyaq’, which means ‘order’. It is characterized by the shapes of the digits, which are stylized monograms of Arabic number names. Thus, it turns out that for the digits of each category (units, tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands) there exits a new different font. A separate character for zero turns out to be unnecessary — it is already embedded in the corresponding digit. And only starting from hundreds of thousands, numbers are displayed using symbols of the lower categories in the higher ones.

This block presents the forms of Siyak numerals that were common on the territory of modern India. They were often applied in the Mughal Empire (not the Mongols) and disappeared only in the 20th century. Basically, they helped in accounting and calculations. This number system is known in South Asia as ‘raqm’, which means ‘account’ in Arabic.

Siyak has a writing manner similar to Arabic — from right to left.



रेंज 1EC70–1ECBF
वर्णमाला 80

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