Latin Extended-B is a block (0180-024F) of the Unicode Standard. It has been included since version 1.0, where it was only allocated to the code points U+0180..U+01FF and contained 113 characters. During unification with ISO 10646 for version 1.1, the block was expanded, and another 65 characters were added. In version 3.0, the last thirty available code points in the block were assigned.

The Latin Extended-B block contains ten subheadings for groups of characters: Non-European and historic Latin, African letters for clicks, Croatian digraphs matching Serbian Cyrillic letters, Pinyin diacritic-vowel combinations, Phonetic and historic letters, Additions for Slovenian and Croatian, Additions for Romanian, Miscellaneous additions, Additions for Livonian, and Additions for Sinology. The Non-European and historic, African clicks, Croatian digraphs, Pinyin, and the first part of the Phonetic and historic letters were present in Unicode 1.0; additional Phonetic and historic letters were added for version 3.0; and other Phonetic and historic, as well as the rest of the sub-blocks were the characters added for version 1.1.



Interval 0180–024F
Personaje 208

Listă de Caractere


Tabelul de Caractere
