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Generator Pięknych Pseudonimów

Masz dość, że Twój pseudonim w grach lub mediach społecznościowych nie przyciąga uwagi? Wygeneruj sobie unikalny pseudonim!

Wygeneruj Pseudonim
Nickname Generator

This section collects Maths symbols that can’t be correctly typed using keyboard. The represented set can be divided into several groups:

  • operator signs: addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, summation;
  • integral signs: double, triple, volume, surface, clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • inequality symbols: greater than, less than;
  • equal signs: equal, not equal, approximately equal, equivalent, identity;
  • geometric symbols: angle, proportions, diameter, perpendicular, parallelism, intersection;
  • geometric shapes: triangle, arc, parallelogram, rhombus;
  • radical sign, power of number;
  • for set theory: empty set, belongs to, subset, union, intersection;
  • logical connective: implication, and, or, negation, equivalent;
  • other symbols: infinity, there exists, belongs to, del or nabla, ellipsis for matrix, ceiling brackets, symbols for group theory.

Application Example

Parabola: ƒ(x)=ax²+bx+c (a≠0)

Representation of exclusive OR: A⊕B :⇔ (A⋁B) ∧¬ (A∧B)

The velocity of a body falling from a height h: V=√̅2̅g̅h̅

To use these icons is the only way to insert a variety of Math symbols on a website or in a message appearing in any operating system. One need to simply copy a coded sign. The use of images for such purposes complicates the process: they demand customisation when developing or stuffing of Internet site. Also media content takes up too much disk space.

Math signs can be used in social networks, chats and forums. They also can be useful for web developers.

Mathematics as the language of all sciences can’t exist without its writing system. Its numerous concepts and operators have gained their typefaces as the science advances. Since the standard alphabets don’t include them, it is quite problematic to type these symbols. You can easily copy them on our website and paste.

Unicode Consortium has included a lot of different signs. If you can’t find what you need, try our site search or look through the next sections:

Operatory matematyczne2200–22FF

Różne symbole matematyczne-A27C0–27EF

Różne symbole matematyczne-B2980–29FF

Dodatkowe operatory matematyczne2A00–2AFF

Letters for formulas:

Grecki i koptyjski0370–03FF

Matematyczne symbole alfanumeryczne1D400–1D7FF

Exponentiation and Fraction

We made another set for superscript and subscript numbers. There you can find small numbers for fractions and exponentiations.
