Greek Symbols

Quantity of characters: 49

List of Characters

Greek symbols, from alpha to omega, are contained in the Greek alphabet. This alphabet has been used since the 9th century BC to this day. There are vowels and consonants in it. Perhaps he was the first alphabet of this type. In earlier times, the vowels were indicated by the addition of diacritical signs, or none at all. Its foundation was the Phoenician alphabet, and on the basis of the writing of the Greeks, in turn, most European and Middle Eastern writing systems developed. In total there are 24 letters in the alphabet, and in some dialects several more were used. For example, digamma, stigma, heta. By the way, they were used to record numerals.

The names of the letters of the alphabet were inherited from the Phoenician alphabet, taking into account Greek phonology. In this process they lost their original meaning. The letter “alp” 𐤀, which meant “bull”, was called “alpha”. There was a “bet” 𐤁 — home, became a beta.

Now letters of the greek alphabet are actively used in many sciences. In biology, they denote the social level of the individual in the group. In physics, quantities, constants, objects, and phenomena. In mathematics, too, starting right from school. The angle, α and something there λ. In everyday life, we also do not forget about them.

Greek letters has their Own section in Unicode. But one is not enough for them, there is an Additional one. Other beautiful letters are collected in a text box. Most are not from Greece, but to save the world through their incredible beauty is more important. Unicode is not deprived and mathematical signs.

Greek Letters

Symbol HTML-code CSS Code Unicode Entity Name
Α Greek Capital Letter Alpha
Β Greek Capital Letter Beta
Γ Greek Capital Letter Gamma
Δ Greek Capital Letter Delta
Ε Greek Capital Letter Epsilon
Ζ Greek Capital Letter Zeta
Η Greek Capital Letter Eta
Θ Greek Capital Letter Theta
Ι Greek Capital Letter Iota
Κ Greek Capital Letter Kappa
Λ Greek Capital Letter Lamda
Μ Greek Capital Letter Mu
Ν Greek Capital Letter Nu
Ξ Greek Capital Letter Xi
Ο Greek Capital Letter Omicron
Π Greek Capital Letter Pi
Ρ Greek Capital Letter Rho
Σ Greek Capital Letter Sigma
Τ Greek Capital Letter Tau
Υ Greek Capital Letter Upsilon
Φ Greek Capital Letter Phi
Χ Greek Capital Letter Chi
Ψ Greek Capital Letter Psi
Ω Greek Capital Letter Omega
α Greek Small Letter Alpha
β Greek Small Letter Beta
γ Greek Small Letter Gamma
δ Greek Small Letter Delta
ε Greek Small Letter Epsilon
ζ Greek Small Letter Zeta
η Greek Small Letter Eta
θ Greek Small Letter Theta
ι Greek Small Letter Iota
κ Greek Small Letter Kappa
λ Greek Small Letter Lamda
μ Greek Small Letter Mu
ν Greek Small Letter Nu
ξ Greek Small Letter Xi
ο Greek Small Letter Omicron
π Greek Small Letter Pi
ρ Greek Small Letter Rho
ς Greek Small Letter Final Sigma
σ Greek Small Letter Sigma
τ Greek Small Letter Tau
υ Greek Small Letter Upsilon
φ Greek Small Letter Phi
χ Greek Small Letter Chi
ψ Greek Small Letter Psi
ω Greek Small Letter Omega
ϑ Greek Theta Symbol
ϒ Greek Upsilon with Hook Symbol
ϖ Greek Pi Symbol