Enclosed Ideographic Supplement

Enclosed Ideographic Supplement is a Unicode block containing characters for compatibility with the Japanese ARIB STD-B24 standard. It contains a squared kana word, and many CJK ideographs enclosed with squares, brackets, or circles.

In general, this set includes hieroglyphs and symbols of Chinese and Japanese religion. They can be used in posts and articles about culture, history, art, and traditions of Asian countries.

As an addition, you will find katakana and hiragana symbols here. These are the two main Japanese alphabets used to write Japanese words and phrases.

The symbols are enclosed in different shapes: circles, square, brackets. Each of them highlights the features of the symbol and can be applied to draw the reader's attention to the necessary information in the text.


Range 1F200–1F2FF
Characters 256

List of Characters

Table of Characters